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Planning Board Minutes 2006/12/07

December 7, 2006

PRESENT:                Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                        Allan Davis
                        Emma Smith, Ex –Officio
                        Greg Vigue, Alternate
                        Michael Marquise, Planner
                        Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator
                        Darlene Morse, Recording Secretary

ABSENT:         Barbara Hollander, Vice Chairman
                        Philip Porter
                        Derek Tatlock
                        Bruce Jennings
                        Frederick Gallup, Alt. Ex-Officio

OTHERS:  Carl Gehrig, Doug Sheadel, Todd White, Mercy Luhanga, Andrew LeMay, Robert Bramley, Catherine Bushueff, Kerin Unsworth, David Cahill, Susan Garceau, Rem Mastin, Peter Urbach, Peter White, Lynn Wiggins ,Myrtle Wiggins, June Ficter and Jen Paliotto.  

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Chalmers at 7:15 PM.


1.  Map 138, Lot 37 – Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless & Myrtle Wiggins, 15 Stagecoach Road, 100’ Cell Tower:

Michael Marquise informed the Board that the application was filed three weeks in advance, the fees were paid, abutter’s notices sent and the notice was posted.  The application meets Article V of the Site Plan Review Regulations.  Items were missing but were not applicable to the application such as water and sewer, lighting, signage, fire alarms, and sprinklers.  M. Marquise stated that he also could not find a boundary survey.  He recommended that the Board waive the toxic waste and hazardous materials but leave drainage open for discussion.  Motion was made by Allan Davis to accept the application as complete subject to discussion of drainage and boundary line surveys.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.   Peggy Chalmers asked Greg Vigue to sit on the Board and vote.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  

Attorney Carl Gehrig presented the proposal to the Board for Cellco Partnership and Myrtle Wiggins.  Mr. Gehrig stated that when he first brought the proposal up to the Board, he got the sense that some members were hesitant to have towers erected in
Planning Board
December 7, 2006

Sunapee.    He asked that if anyone was feeling biased, he would wish that they remove themselves from the Board before voting.

Mr. Gehrig introduced Verizon’s cell tower project team.  He reviewed the entire project section by section.  Because of the height of the tower, a zoning variance was received in October of this year.  The tower is being built with the consent of the land owner.  The land will be leased on a 5 year basis with options for up to 30 years.  A building will be on site and will contain two rooms.  One will be the radio room and the second the generator room.  Mr. Gehrig presented fall pictures of the proposed tower simulated on site.   He stated that there will be a removal bond in the amount of $18,000.00 should the tower become abandoned.

Carl Gehrig bought in a limb of a tower to show those attending how much it resembled a tree.  He stated that the limbs are designed not to come off.  Mr. Gehrig stated that there will be no lighting, signage, employees or guests.  The tower is more of a non-use.  It will be monitored remotely.  A driveway will lead to the tower but traffic will be very little.  C. Gehrig stated that he is requesting a waiver of the full boundary requirement as has been done in the past by the Board.  The Board would not waive this requirement.  Allan Davis expressed concern that the fall zone is close to the buffered line and without a survey how can C. Gehrig be sure that the landscape buffer does not cross the line?  C. Gehrig stated that Verizon can certify that.  

With regard to access to the tower, Mr. Gehrig explained that an existing logging road will be improved for access.  The utility lines will remain as they exist now.  The area to be leased is 100’x100’.  The developed portion of that area will be 50’x50’.  

Peggy Chalmers opened the meeting to the public for questions.  Susan Garceau, abutter. asked if there would be any noise from the tower or building.  Todd White explained that the only sound may be a fluting sound, just like you would hear from a large tree.  S. Garceau asked how far the tower would be from her property line.  Carl Gehrig replied that it would be 435’ from the back line.  S. Garceau asked how often the tower would be maintained and the response was that once a month per carrier.   Carl Gehrig was asked if the town would receive any compensation from the tower.  The response was that it would not.  The question was asked on who would be liable for the tower.   The response was that Verizon will insure the structure.

Abutter, Peter White stated that he was concerned with safety and would there be a landscape buffer.  He asked if there was anything to save the property from future logging.  Carl Gehrig explained that a landscape buffer of 150’ will exist.  P. White expressed his disapproval of the looks of the tower saying it looked like a bottle cleaner.  Todd White responded that Verizon buys only the best towers available and this tower is the closest to looking like a tree.  He explained it is a monopole and costs 3 times the amount of a standard pole.  Susan Garceau stated she preferred the tree to a standard pole.  
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December 7, 2006

Her objection to the project is that the area is a residential one and should not be used commercially.

Chief David Cahill stated he supported the project.   He stated that the tower will provide great assistance to his department.  Chief Cahill added that it would be a great benefit to all of Sunapee by opening up communications.

Allan Davis questioned contours.  Todd White stated that it was 4 feet below grade.  A. Davis asked how the fence enclosing the tower and building met the ground.  T. White responded that it would be relatively flat; a 1% to 2% slope.  Allan Davis expressed concern that the site is very steep and drainage is a risk.  He asked how this would be addressed.  Todd White responded that a “glorified” driveway with and access of 12 feet in width will be installed with water bars directed into the ditch line.  The water will be diverted into a swale.  An in-depth design of the drainage will be provided with the building permit application.  

Allan Davis stated he would like to have a copy of the lease for the file when finalized.

Motion was made by Allan Davis to approve the application with the following conditions:  1.  The east boundary line adjacent to the tower will be defined by a survey and will show that the landscape buffer is within the boundary.  2.  The Planning Board will receive a copy of the amended lease that includes the landscape buffer.  3.  A drainage and erosion control plan will be provided with application for a building permit.  4.  Verizon is to provide a bond of $20,700 to cover removal of the facility if its use is abandoned.  The motion was seconded by Greg Vigue.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


1.  Sunapee Center Project:  Charles Hirschberg, representing the project, give to the Board the condominium documents for signature.  These documents are recorded with the Registry of Deeds and are used for financing and selling.  The document only needs to be signed by the Chairman.  Peggy Chalmers signed the documents.  

2.  June Ficter of the Lake Sunapee Protective Association regarding the development of a watershed plan:   June Ficter stated she wished to present an update of SAWC and to introduce the watershed management plan.  Jen Palmiotto, Granite State Rural Water Preservation, assisted J. Ficter with a power point introduction.  J. Ficter informed those present that there are 8,000 households in the six towns that represent the Watershed Management Plan.  Some of the items that affect the water quality is road salt and septic systems.  LSPA is working on a build-out study and will give a copy to the town when it is finished.  This process needs to be completed in one year for planning purposes.  There is no cost for the planning, but the implementation will cost.  A meeting
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December 7, 2006

is being held on December 13 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM at the Sunapee High School to discuss the watershed project.  Emma Smith suggested that they also submit the plan to the Sunapee Water and Sewer Commissioners.  

3.  George Neuwirt – Revision to Driveway Entrances:  Charlie Hirschberg explained that a change in the driveway entrances to George Neuwirt’s subdivision plan was made.  They have been approved by the Road Agent, Tony Bergeron and Police Chief David Cahill.  Copies of the revised plan were presented to the Board for signature.  C. Hirschberg explained that one of the drives which was a common drive has been separated so that they will serve their individual lots. The subdivision was previously approved, but a new mylar with the changes to the driveways needs to be recorded.
Motion was made by Allan Davis the change of the subdivision plan approved on March 2, 2006 to show separate driveways for all four lots.  Motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  Al Lemere, 270 Nutting Road,  asked  the Board if the old barn that was removed from the property he purchased from George Neuwirt could be replaced.  Roger Landry responded that it could be if done within the next two years.  

Michael Marquise reminded the Board that the hearing on the zoning amendments is being held on December 21, 2006.

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM.
NOTE:  The above minutes represents a summary, not a verbatim transcript of the tape.

NOTE:  Any hearings now open and under consideration by the Board are continued to the next meeting of the Sunapee Planning Board.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved_____________________

________________________                        _____________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                Barbara Hollander, Vice Chairman

________________________                        _____________________________
Bruce Jennings                                  Allan Davis

________________________                        _____________________________
Philip Porter                                           Derek Tatlock

________________________                        _____________________________
Emma Smith, Ex-Officio                          Greg Vigue, Alternate

Frederick Gallup, Ex-Officio, Alt.